Rolling Creek Utility District

Through Rolling Creek UD’s website you can easily find links to the following services:

Security Advisory

  • Please lock your vehicles.  Most thefts from vehicles are through unlocked doors. It takes seconds to break a window, but doing so makes noise – and criminals hate noise. You also want to make sure that all windows are rolled up before locking your vehicle. Also, if you have a car alarm please make sure it is working properly – and use it!
  • Hide valuables from site. Even better, take all items of value with you. If a criminal doesn’t see anything, they’re less likely to break in to your vehicle and will proceed to the next vehicle to “window shop.” Remember to hide valuables before parking and leaving your vehicle. Give a would-be thief absolutely no reason to burglarize your car.
  • Take your keys. Unfortunately, it is still common practice for individuals to leave their keys in their car and/or in the ignition when unattended.

There is no 100% fool-proof way to prevent all crime. You can make yourself less likely to be a victim of motor vehicle burglary by following the above practices and using common sense. Simply locking your vehicle and removing property is half the battle.

WHCRWA Documentary

The West Harris County Regional Water Authority (WHCRWA) has created a comprehensive new documentary video addressing the progress to secure a long-term water supply featuring the following:

  • Interviews with members of our partnership teams
  • In-depth discussions about where our water will come from in the future and how we will pay for it
  • Current and future cost estimates and rate analysis
  • Questions and Answers.

Please see below for the link to the video.

Mission Statement

Rolling Creek Utility District, through the dedication of its Directors and Consultants, is committed to providing the highest quality service at the most economical costs to its customers and taxpayers.